About the Faculty
Faculty of Medicine was founded in Rijeka in 1955, while Faculty of Health Studies (the youngest faculty of the University) was detached from it in 2014. However, Rijeka got its first hospital and schooled physicians as early as 1440s, and the City Statute in 1530. The most important names for the history of medicine are:
Giovanni Battista Cambieri (1754–1838), who described the still-unexplained „Škrljevo disease;“
Saverio Graziano (1702–1780), the author of De usu mercurii and of a description of the earthquake of 1750;
Antonio Felice Giacich(1813–1898), the author of the most appreciated textbook of naval medicine (Lezioni mediche per i naviganti, 1855–1887, with five editions);
Antonio Grossich (1849–1926), who introduced the application of iodine tincture in the preparation of the operation field (1907);
Lionello Lenaz (1872– 1939), who introduced the idea of static inervation (tonus) into neurology and proved leucemia to be of neoplastic and not hyperplastic origin.
The building hosting Faculty of Health Studies was constructed in the 1940s and was supposed to offer poor people warm meal and shelte.